People under 30

If your school offers a student health plan, enrolling in it can be an easy and affordable way to get basic insurance coverage.

But, even if you have access to a student health plan, you can still apply for coverage through the Marketplace. Based on your income, family size, and location, you might qualify for lower costs. Your next steps depend on your age and if you're listed as a dependent on someone else's taxes, like your parent's taxes.

I'm under 26 and a dependent on someone else's taxes, like my parent's

Your next steps for getting Marketplace coverage depend on where you live and if it's during Open Enrollment Open Enrollment Period
November 1 - January 15 each year . Select where you live:

I live in the same state as my parent

You can enroll in a Marketplace plan with your parent during Open Enrollment. If you lose your student coverage outside of Open Enrollment, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period

Special Enrollment Period
A period of time outside of Open Enrollment when you can enroll in or change Marketplace plans.

, so your parent can add you to their plan. (You won't qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you choose to drop your student coverage.)

I live in a different state from my parent

You have 2 options: