Our service is designed to provide professional, convenient, and expedited DBA Los Angeles County registration filing and publishing at a reasonable price. LA Business Connect can assist with the filing of your DBA/Fictitious Business Name, so that you can avoid having to take time from your busy schedule to do it yourself. Once your Fictitious Business Name Statement (also known as a DBA) is filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk, we will publish a legal notice in a qualified newspaper publication once a week for four weeks. The DBA filer (LA Business Connect) or (You) are required to begin publishing the legal notice within 30 days from the date of originally filing your DBA/Fictitious Business Name Statement with the Los Angeles County Clerk.
Use a fast, secure, and simple way to file and publish your business DBA/FBN right now – it’s that easy
Don’t waste your time standing in line at the Los Angeles County Clerk’s/Recorders Office, no more filling out complicated forms, wasting gas and travel time.
LA Business Connect DBA Filing Services is a quick and convenient way to file your Los Angeles DBA registration.