Research in Vietnam War Records

The National Archives has custody of a wide assortment of both textual documents and electronic records related to the Vietnam conflict.

Electronic Records Relating to the Vietnam War

Textual Records Relating to the Vietnam War

Textual documents relating to the Vietnam conflict are spread across several record groups (RGs).

U.S. Army

The most heavily used record group is:

Additional records relating to the U.S. Army in Vietnam may be found in:

U.S. Air Force

The National Archives has received a limited number of records from the U.S. Air Force for the Vietnam War period.
Please Note: These records have not been processed and almost all are still classified.

Unit histories and supporting documents of Air Force units are in the custody of the Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell Air Force Base, AL.

U.S. Marine Corps

The National Archives has custody of U.S. Marine Corps command chronologies during the Vietnam era and some other records for Vietnam.

Researchers should also contact the Marine Corps Archives & Special Collections at

Marine Corps Archives and Special Collections
Alfred M. Gray Research Center
2040 Broadway Street
Quantico, VA 22134

U.S. Navy

The National Archives has custody of U.S. Navy deck logs and U.S. Navy muster rolls/personnel diaries for the Vietnam conflict. The personnel diaries include lists of officers in addition to the enlisted personnel. Please note: U.S. Navy muster rolls/personnel diaries after 1971 utilize social security numbers and are subject to privacy restrictions.

U.S. Navy action reports and war diaries for the Vietnam conflict are in the custody of the Naval History and Heritage Command.

Naval History and Heritage Command
Operational Archives Branch
805 Kidder Breese Street, SE
Washington Navy Yard
Washington, DC 20374-5060

U.S. National War Policy

For records relating to U.S. national war policy, information may be found in

Most Popular Vietnam-Era Records