Equipped with the "X-Pump," an innovative hybrid pump system, the FNX-Ⅲ Series has the merits of both electric and hydraulic molding machines. With the energy-saving performance and quick injection starting response equivalent to those of the electric type, the series reduces the running cost and improves the moldability and molding quality.

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX80Ⅲ

Models FNX80Ⅲ
Specification item 9A(STD) 12A
Screw diameter mm 26 28 32 36 28 32 36 40
Injection capacity 59 69 90 114 77 101 127 157
Max. injection pressure MPa 265 244 187 147 265 226 179 145
Clamping force kN 792 792
Clamping stroke mm 47 47
Mold thickness (min.) mm 200 200
Max. daylight opening mm 670 670
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 420×420 420×420
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 580×580 580×580
Ejector stroke mm 75 75

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX110Ⅲ

Models FNX110Ⅲ
Specification item 12A(STD) 18A
Screw diameter mm 28 32 36 40 32 36 40 45
Injection capacity 77 101 127 157 117 147 182 231
Max. injection pressure MPa 265 226 179 145 265 222 180 142
Clamping force kN 1100 1100
Clamping stroke mm 520 520
Mold thickness (min.) mm 200 200
Max. daylight opening mm 720 720
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 460×460 460×460
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 647×647 647×647
Ejector stroke mm 85 85

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX140Ⅲ

Models FNX140Ⅲ
Specification item 25A(STD) 36A
Screw diameter mm 36 40 45 50 45 50 56
Injection capacity 163 201 254 314 286 353 443
Max. injection pressure MPa 255 219 173 140 207 168 134
Clamping force kN 1370 1370
Clamping stroke mm 600 600
Mold thickness (min.) mm 250 250
Max. daylight opening mm 850 850
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 510×510 510×510
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 730×730 730×730
Ejector stroke mm 90 90

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX180Ⅲ

Models FNX180Ⅲ
Specification item 25A 36A(STD)
Screw diameter mm 36 40 45 50 45 50 56
Injection capacity 163 201 254 314 286 353 443
Max. injection pressure MPa 255 219 173 140 207 168 134
Clamping force kN 1750 1750
Clamping stroke mm 700 700
Mold thickness (min.) mm 250 250
Max. daylight opening mm 950 950
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 560×560 560×560
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 800×800 800×800
Ejector stroke mm 110 110

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX220Ⅲ

Models FNX220Ⅲ
Specification item 71A 50A(STD)
Screw diameter mm 50 56 63 56 63 71
Injection capacity 402 505 639 554 701 891
Max. injection pressure MPa 198 158 125 196 155 122
Clamping force kN 2110 2110
Clamping stroke mm 760 760
Mold thickness (min.) mm 290 290
Max. daylight opening mm 1050 1050
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 610×610 610×610
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 870×870 870×870
Ejector stroke mm 120 120

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX280Ⅲ

Models FNX280Ⅲ
Specification item 71A(STD) 100A
Screw diameter mm 56 63 71 63 71 80
Injection capacity 554 701 891 795 1010 1280
Max. injection pressure MPa 196 155 122 205 161 127
Clamping force kN 2740 2740
Clamping stroke mm 830 830
Mold thickness (min.) mm 320 320
Max. daylight opening mm 1150 1150
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 660×660 660×660
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 955×955 955×955
Ejector stroke mm 130 130

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX360Ⅲ

Models FNX360Ⅲ
Specification item 100A(STD) 140A
Screw diameter mm 63 71 80 71 80 90
Injection capacity 795 1010 1280 1110 1410 1780
Max. injection pressure MPa 205 161 127 195 154 122
Clamping force kN 3540 3540
Clamping stroke mm 970 970
Mold thickness (min.) mm 350 350
Max. daylight opening mm 1320 1320
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 735×735 735×735
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 1055×1055 1055×1055
Ejector stroke mm 150 150

Hybrid high-performance injection molding machine FNX460Ⅲ

Models FNX460Ⅲ
Specification item 160A
Screw diameter mm 71 80 90
Injection capacity 1270 1610 2030
Max. injection pressure MPa 195 154 122
Clamping force kN 4460
Clamping stroke mm 1025
Mold thickness (min.) mm 375
Max. daylight opening mm 1400
Tie bar clearance(H×V) mm 820×820
Die plate dimensions (H×V) mm 1190×1190
Ejector stroke mm 160